Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back and doing better than ever

So I am back at it with my blogging.  Life has been so crazy and well, to be honest, I just haven't had it in me to blog the past while.  Major depression and a big move has kept me from taking on life and living my life.  But, I am slowly turning things around and starting to add things back into my life that are good for my health and good for my soul, blogging being one of them.

So I started Medifast (Take Shape For Life) on Sunday.  This is day 4 for me.  I had previously done this when I was living in Burley, Idaho and it worked so well for me!  I felt great, I looked great and it really helped me to gain perspective, stay focused and learn to make long lasting healthy life decisions.  So, from now on I will be using some acronyms in some of my posts because they are so much easier than writing out some of the really long words.  Here are some of the ones I can think of:

  • PCMR: Portion Controlled Meal Replacement (the shakes and other meal items I eat)
  • TSFL: Take Shape For Life (the support community and health lifestyle I follow)
  • MF: Medifast (the company that makes the PCMR's that I use daily
  • L&G: Lean & grean meal.  This refers to the dinner I make myself which consists of a lean protein and green veggie every evening.
  • HOH: Habits of Health book by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen
  • DYOH: Discover Your Optimal Health book by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen
  • OH: Optimal Health
As I can think of more I will add to the list.

As a final thought, I, in no way endorse nor do I make money off of selling MF/TSFL.  So if I ever post links to any of their information or products it is not because I want you to buy it so I get a kickback.  I do not, nor have I ever like MLM's, pyramid schemes, or network marketing companies.  They are just not my thing.  Anyway, I am excited to share my experience and progress.  In health and happiness!

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