Friday, September 27, 2013

My Optimal Health Vision Board

In Discovering Your Optimal Health, Dr. A says to make a Vision Board.  "A visual representation of your Optimal Health in several key areas of your life".  Here is mine.  Starting from top left going right.

  • Top left: a picture of me when I weighed the least I ever have in my adult life.  I was on Medifast before.  I felt small, tight, solid and great about how I looked physically.
  • Top middle: a picture of the body's chacras.  Represents my body's balance and energy.  I will have an abundance of energy as well as balance/harmony in my body as well as my life.
  • Top right: a picture of healthy fruits and veggies.  This represents my growing healthy appetite as well as my change in desire for and tastebud preference of healthy nutritious food.
  • Bottom left: a picture of a lion: The lion represents strength and mastery.  I am reminded of Aslan in Narnia who was wise in all things, strong physically and in character and not afraid to do things that were difficult or momentarily difficult for lasting peace and happiness.
  • Bottom middle: a picture of hobbit holes in New Zealand.  Hobbits are simple jolly folk who know the true meaning of loyalty, joy and the profundity of keeping life simple.
  • Bottom right: a picture of runner's feet.  To me this is the epitome of being in shape.  Not just being skinny, but being physically fit.  I have always wanted to be a runner, and I want to be able to do fun runs and runs for causes.

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