Friday, September 27, 2013

Structural Dynamics Master Plan

This is the big overview of my desired outcome of reaching my optimal health.  There are no "How To's" or specific deadlines.  This just serves as the springboard from which I can create my plan of attack.  Think of it as a map with a starting point and a destination.  If I don't know where I am starting and where I want to be, it will be very difficult for me to create the roadmap in between.

Optimal Health

Healthy Weight, Eats Healthy, Activity Level High, 
High Quality of 7-8 hrs of Sleep, 
Stress Level: low or none, Co-morbid conditions: None
Prescription Med Usage Low or None

                                        Secondary Choices                                           

Habits of Healthy Eating

Habits of Motion

Habits of Healthy Sleep

Habits of Healthy Mind 

Habits of Well Being

Habits of a Healthy Body

Current Reality

Weight: Obese, overweight, normal, underweight
Eat healthy: always, sometimes, no, not sure
Sleep Hours:  Under 5hrs, 5-6hrs Low, 7-8hrs Normal, Over 8hrs High
Sleep Quality: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent
Stress Level: None, Low, Medium, High, Extreme
Co-Morbid Conditions: Pre-diabetes, High Cholesterol, Adrenal Fatigue, Depression
Prescription Med Use: None, One, Two, Three, More

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